terms of use
Access to this website and its use are subject to the terms and conditions clarified below and all applicable laws. By accessing and using this website, you accept these terms and conditions, without limitation or additional qualifications.
Unless otherwise stated, the content on this site, including but not limited to text and images contained within and their disposal, is owned by antropogogia. All trademarks used or mentioned in this site are property of their rightful owners.
No content on this site should be construed as granting any license or right to any copyright, patent, trademark or other proprietary interest of antropogogia or third party, whether by implication, estoppels, or otherwise. This website and its contents, including (but not limited to) graphics, audio, video, text, HTML code, should not be copied, reproduced, republished, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way without formal permission of antropogogia, unless you download such material for private, non-commercial use only, keeping the material intact, with its copyright, trademark and other unique properties.
The information provided in this site is free and is for informational purposes only, not seeking to create a business or professional relationship between you and antropogogia. Links contained within this site may direct you to services or sites not operated by antropogogia. And antropogogia is not responsible for third party websites or services. A link pointing to another site or service does not imply endorsement of the service provided by the site or service. Any use of information you provide to websites or online services through this site is your responsibility.
This website and its contents are provided "as is" and antropogogia not represent or warrant in any way any site or service accessible through this way. In no event antropogogia will be legally responsible for third party direct, indirect, special, exemplary or consequently damages (included but not limited to, lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or data) not related to the form of action and when in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, arising out of or in connection with this or another site or service connected to, or any copying, display or similar use.
antropogogia keeps its site in São Paulo, Brazil, and you agree to these terms and that all actions and legal proceedings related to this site are governed by the laws of Brazil and its rules. If there is any attempt to lawsuit, antropogogia is free to choose the jurisdiction of our preference for the course of action.
Unless otherwise duly expressed on this site, any information you provide on this website should be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. You represent that you have the legal right to submit such information and agree that you will not submit any information unless you are legally entitled to do so. For the open nature of the Internet, we recommend that you not provide any information considered confidential.
antropogogia do not accept unauthorized submission of ideas outside the established trade relations. To protect the interests of our customers and ourselves, we treat this issue with great care. Especially when there is not a clear business relationship, antropogogia cannot and should not treat the information as in confidence. Any ideas disclosed to antropogogia without prior and documented confidential business relationship is not be considered as confidential, and antropogogia can develop, use and freely disclose or publish similar ideas without citation or compensation to you. By submitting an idea or some other material sent through this site, you agree to be bound by the terms of our policy.